Application Assessment

Two Assessment Stages:

Application Assessment

Applications will be evaluated based on the following weighted criteria:

Project Description & Artistic Growth
Marketing Plan

Application Content Pt.1

Applications will consist of your written answers, relevant support materials, and one or two examples of your comedic work.

Please ensure that all individuals involved in key creative roles in your project (beneficiaries of the grant) are CANCOM Members, which is FREE.

When the Application Portal becomes available, it will have the following fields for which you can prepare answers:

Project Name:
This is a reference for you and the CANCOM Comedy Grant Selection Committee to identify your grant application.

Contact Person:
Provide the name and contact details of one contact person responsible for your application.

Project Type:
Provide the name and contact details of one contact person responsible for your application.(You will check all that apply)

  • Stand-Up
  • Sketch
  • Improv
  • Podcast with Audio-Only
  • Podcast with Video Production Video Production – Web Series, Sketch Shows, Improv, Stand Up, Music or Digital Creative
  • Digital Creative Storytelling
  • Comedy Album
  • Live Performance
  • Comedy Tour
  • Live Broadcast – Livestream or Pre-Produced Video “Like Live”
  • Comedy Writer
  • Other

Application Content Pt.2

Project Description – up to 750 words

  • What is your project, who is involved and why should it be made?
  • Describe your project and identify your objectives in creating it.
  • What are the artistic/comedic values it will demonstrate, and why should it be made?
  • Which audiences will engage with your work and where?
  • Include information on the creative team and other key collaborators.

Project Timeline – up to 250 words

  • Offer a brief outline of when and how you will complete this project. Projects that have begun before the application deadline are not eligible for the CANCOM Comedy Grant.

Artistic Growth and Advancement – up to 500 words

  • How will the CANCOM Comedy Grant for this project advance your career?
  • What risks, if any, are you taking with the project?
  • How does this project push Canadian comedy and your work forward, artistically?

Marketing Plan – up to 250 words

  • How are you going to let people know about your project and engage them?
  • Identify your project’s target market/audience.

  • What is your strategy for making the project discoverable to this audience?

  • How will you measure your project’s marketing and promotion reach?
  • How will you report back to CANCOM your project’s marketing and promotion reach?

Application Content Pt.3

Budget – up to 250 words and there will be an attached spreadsheet

How will you afford the scale of the project for which you’re applying for a grant?
Use the provided CANCOM Comedy Grant Budget Template to identify expenses associated with any relevant areas on your project: – e.g. Creative Team, including artist fees, Marketing and Production, Travel, etc…
Your budget should be, above all, reasonable. Does this budget pay for what you need? If not, where will other funding come from?

Ensure you are allocating fair pay for your artists and offer details on the amount of compensation being offered per hour, day, week, or flat fee.

CANCOM will assess the alignment between allocation of resources and the plan, including any additional resources, to ensure the project budget is of manageable scope.

The CANCOM Comedy Grant can account for all, most, or part of your overall project budget.

Links and Uploads

You have an option to include links to, or uploads of, existing written or produced examples of your creative work and/or its creative team. These can be associated with the project, or previous artistic work. All video clips should be under 5:00.

CANCOM Comedy Grant Recipient Final Report

Successful applicants are required to submit a short final report after completing the project. This will be completed once you have had time to evaluate your own artistic growth, as well as the audience response and marketing success of your project.

CANCOM will provide a template for all recipients to complete.
But, for your advance knowledge, details in your final report should include:

  • The final makeup of the creative team and key collaborators
  • The achievements of the projects’ stated objectives
  • The reach and engagement of the marketing plan
  • Any relevant critical acclaim and media coverage
  • A status report on the project and final outcome/samples to be included on CANCOM’s Website and social channels